Christ the King Lutheran Church (LCMC) and King's Kids Preschool 1040 South Grade RD SW PO Box 369, Hutchinson, MN Mercy Reigns phone: 320-587-2776, email: 2020 Summer Worship Schedule Sun. 8:15 a.m. (Indoor Worship Service) Sun. 10:00 a.m. (Outdoor "Drive-ln" Worship Service) **The Jolly Ramblers will be leading our music on Sunday, June 28, for BOTH outdoor patio services. Join us!** Christ the King Lutheran Church (LCMC) and King's Kids Preschool 1040 South Grade RD SW PO Box 369, Hutchinson, MN Mercy Reigns phone: 320-587-2776, email: 2020 Summer Worship Schedule Sun. 8:15 a.m. (Indoor Worship Service) Sun. 10:00 a.m. (Outdoor "Drive-ln" Worship Service) **The Jolly Ramblers will be leading our music on Sunday, June 28, for BOTH outdoor patio services. Join us!**