NINE DAYS OF SAVINGS Memorial Da SATURDAY MAY 18 SUNDAY MAY 26 -CLOSED MEMORIAL DAY Miller Lite, Genuine Draft & "64" 24 pk cons Budweiser, Bud Light, Select and Select 55 24 pk cons Coors and Coors Light 24 pk cons Reg $20.99$1899 $120 52340$19» 24 Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum Grey Goose Vodka Canadian Hunter Whiskey 75 U 750 ml Reg.$30.99 Reg. $18.99 Reg $11.99 $999 $1399 $249, Columbia Crest Grand Estates Cabernet Gemma di Luna Moscato 750 ml 750 m Reg $12.99 $999 Reg $14.99 $799 Lindeman Australian Wines Red Blend, Chardonney, Moscato and Shiroz 750m Reg $6.99 $499 SAVE $24 W/MAIL-IN REBATE with purchase of twelve 750 ml bottles nal Price after mail-in rebate $2.99/botle | AZS2UIS O 245 WashingtonAv 320-587-2762 e. E, Hutchinson BEER-WINE-SPIRITS LIQUOR HUTH Hours: Mon.-Set. 8.m-10 p.m. Sun. 11 a.m- 6 p.m NINE DAYS OF SAVINGS Memorial Da SATURDAY MAY 18 SUNDAY MAY 26 -CLOSED MEMORIAL DAY Miller Lite, Genuine Draft & "64" 24 pk cons Budweiser, Bud Light, Select and Select 55 24 pk cons Coors and Coors Light 24 pk cons Reg $20.99$1899 $120 52340$19» 24 Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum Grey Goose Vodka Canadian Hunter Whiskey 75 U 750 ml Reg.$30.99 Reg. $18.99 Reg $11.99 $999 $1399 $ 249 , Columbia Crest Grand Estates Cabernet Gemma di Luna Moscato 750 ml 750 m Reg $12.99 $999 Reg $14.99 $799 Lindeman Australian Wines Red Blend, Chardonney, Moscato and Shiroz 750m Reg $6.99 $499 SAVE $24 W/MAIL-IN REBATE with purchase of twelve 750 ml bottles nal Price after mail-in rebate $2.99/botle | AZS2UIS O 245 WashingtonAv 320-587-2762 e. E, Hutchinson BEER - WINE - SPIRITS LIQUOR HUTH Hours: Mon.-Set. 8.m-10 p.m. Sun. 11 a.m- 6 p.m