2019 CROP MANAGEMENT INPUT SEMINAR Thursday, December 6 9:00 a.m. to 2:15 p.m Hutchinson Event Center, 1005 Hwy 15 South- Plaza 15 FREE for all individuals actively farming Schedule for the Day 9:00 AM Registration 11:25 AM Break Jeff Vetsch-Do Crop Removal Rates of P and K fertilizer increase yield and profit? Ted Matthews-Is what I said, what you heard? 9:15 AM 11:45 PM 10:00 AM Seth Naeve SCN & ICD: Managing 12:30 PM Lunch Soybean Cyst Nematode and Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Ag Person of the Year Award- Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce 1:00 PM 10:45 AM Break Kent Thiesse- Cash Flow Planning for 2019 1:15 PM 10:55 AM Bruce Potter-Corn and Soybean Pest Review Can 2018 help predict 2019? 2:15 PM Wrap-up Thank you to our Sponsor's AG SYSTEMS, INC CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. www.cbhutch.com D BECK'S HC Hutchinson Co-op C.B. Agronomics, LLC Walmart Save money. Live better Compeer Financial. Duane Jindra Crop Insurance Agency Hutchinson Health McLeod County Corn & Soybean Growers Association MidCountry Bank Plumbing & Heating by Craig Skyview Dairy Farm Bureau Financial Services - Ryan Elbert TDK Hutchinson Technologies Inc. HUTCHINSON ARA CNANB TO OR COMAMERCE RSVP to the Extension office by November 26th 320-484-4334 or mnext-mcleod@umn.edu UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION Driven to Discover 201 Regents of the University Minesota Un ersity o M nnesota tens on is an equal opportuni y educator and emplo er 11 acordance with the A ericans request Direct requests to 612 24-07 72 or etansa m ePrinted on recycled and recyclable pape with at least 10 percent post o sumer waste mat ia th Disabilnes Act this pubica on aenal s ava able in aner native formats upon