2020 CROP MANAGEMENT INPUT SEMINAR Thursday, December 19 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m Hutchinson Event Center, 1005 Hwy 15 South- Plaza 15 $20 per person or ticket from one of the sponsors Schedule for the Day 8:30 AM Registration 11:45 AM Break Jeff Vetsch- Fall Urea Applications in MN Multi-Year Research Results 9:00 AM "Let's Talk Tiling" Panel 12:00 PM 12:30 PM Lunch 9:30 AM "Farming With Your Neighbor" Panel Ag Person of the Year Award- Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce 12:50 PM 10:00 AM Dan Kaiser Potassium Guidelines: Past, Present and Future 2018 Farm Bill: What's New and Signup 1:00 PM 10:45 AM Break Decisions Dean Malvick Corn and Soybean Disease Threats 11:00 AM 3:00 PM Wrap-up Thank you to our Sponsor's Cb CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO www.ebhutch.com 'S C.B. Agronomics, LLC indigo HC Hutchinson Co-op AGRONOMY ENERGYGRAIN Compeer Financial Duane Jindra Crop Insurance Agency. Farm Bureau Financial Services Ryan Elbert Heartland Ag Systems, Inc. Hutchinson Health LG Seeds McLeod County Corn & Soybean Growers Mid Country Bank Plumbing & Heating by Craig Skyview Dairy Walmart For more information contact Karen Johnson, Extension Educator at 320-484-4303 or UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION Driven to Discover HUTCHINSON ande9495@umn.edu AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND TOURISM 2019 Regents of the University of Minnesota. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this publication/material is available in alternative formats upon request. Direct requests to 612-624-0772 orefans@uma.edu 2020 CROP MANAGEMENT INPUT SEMINAR Thursday, December 19 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m Hutchinson Event Center, 1005 Hwy 15 South- Plaza 15 $20 per person or ticket from one of the sponsors Schedule for the Day 8:30 AM Registration 11:45 AM Break Jeff Vetsch- Fall Urea Applications in MN Multi-Year Research Results 9:00 AM "Let's Talk Tiling" Panel 12:00 PM 12:30 PM Lunch 9:30 AM "Farming With Your Neighbor" Panel Ag Person of the Year Award- Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce 12:50 PM 10:00 AM Dan Kaiser Potassium Guidelines: Past, Present and Future 2018 Farm Bill: What's New and Signup 1:00 PM 10:45 AM Break Decisions Dean Malvick Corn and Soybean Disease Threats 11:00 AM 3:00 PM Wrap-up Thank you to our Sponsor's Cb CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO www.ebhutch.com 'S C.B. Agronomics, LLC indigo HC Hutchinson Co-op AGRONOMY ENERGYGRAIN Compeer Financial Duane Jindra Crop Insurance Agency. Farm Bureau Financial Services Ryan Elbert Heartland Ag Systems, Inc. Hutchinson Health LG Seeds McLeod County Corn & Soybean Growers Mid Country Bank Plumbing & Heating by Craig Skyview Dairy Walmart For more information contact Karen Johnson, Extension Educator at 320-484-4303 or UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION Driven to Discover HUTCHINSON ande9495@umn.edu AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND TOURISM 2019 Regents of the University of Minnesota. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this publication/material is available in alternative formats upon request. Direct requests to 612-624-0772 orefans@uma.edu