St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Fernando 6 mi. S of Stewart 2402 Cty. Rd. 7, Stewart Fall Festival & Polka Worship Celebration Sunday, September 15 10:00 am Polka Service with Communion Hog Roast and Auction will follow worship Meal served 10:30-1:00 pm,(Free will offering) Auction after meal, no later than 1:00 pm Serving roasted pork, potatoes, baked beans, cole slaw, buns and homemade bars Drawing for"Total Comfort" a wildlife print by Terry Redlin St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Fernando 6 mi. S of Stewart 2402 Cty. Rd. 7, Stewart Fall Festival & Polka Worship Celebration Sunday, September 15 10:00 am Polka Service with Communion Hog Roast and Auction will follow worship Meal served 10:30-1:00 pm,(Free will offering) Auction after meal, no later than 1:00 pm Serving roasted pork, potatoes, baked beans, cole slaw, buns and homemade bars Drawing for"Total Comfort" a wildlife print by Terry Redlin