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REM South Central Services, Inc in Willmar, MN serves individuals in Community Supportive Living homes (24/7 care), In-Home Hourly Services and a specialized DBT supportive Residence (Pathways). Numerous counties are served by REM South Central Services, Inc Willmar office including: Kandiyohi, Meeker, Swift, Renville, Stearns, Lac Qui Parle and others through host county concurrence arrangements. REM South Central Services, Inc, in Willmar MN provides individualized services and on-going supports for people living with brain injury, mental health issues, intellectual developmental disability (including autism spectrum disorders), Praeder-Willi Syndrome, and dementias. Funding for our services is generally through county waivers (CADI, MR/RC, EW, TBI NF, TBI NB), workers' compensation, private pay or other insurance. REM South Central Services Inc, in Willmar MN has been serving individuals living with disabilities for over 30 years and is recognized for providing high-quality services and supports. Our staff receives significant training including brain injury, DBT and crisis intervention.

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