Be Safe Stay clear of downed power lines POWERFUL STORMS can damage power lines. If you see a downed power line: NEVER TOUCH - Stay at least 50 feet away from it and assume it is energized. The ground may also be energized making the entire area extremely dangerous. A DOWNED POWER LINE. Always assume it is energized and call 911 immediately. Never touch anything that is touching a downed power line. It is as dangerous as the line itself. - Ifa power line falls on your vehicle while you are in it, stay inside your vehicle until help arrives. Great River Energy-Powering what's possible Agrdite Electic Cooperatie Arouheod Cooperative, he BENCO Ekeric Cooperafive Brown County Rorel Electical Auociafion Connenn Erergy Cooperative light & Power Gow Wing Fower Dokote Elecric Asociafion Eas Central Energy Federoted Rural Elecric Asociafon Goodhue County Cooperafive Electric Asociofion hsco Martrop Cooperafive Bectricol Auociation Kandiyohi Power Cooperafive Loke Country Power lake Region Elecric Cooperofive Melood Cooperofive Power Associafion Meeker Cooperofive Mile lacs Energy Cooperafive Minnesolo Voley Electic Cooperofive Nobles Cooperative Elecric Norh hosco Elecric Cooperative, Inc Reduood Elearic Cooperative Runestone Bectric Associadion + South Centrd Electric Association Searm Electric Asociation Steele Woseca Cooperaive Electric Todd Wadere Bledric Cooperative Wightenepin Cooperative Elearic Aasociaion GREAT RIVER ENERGY. Be Safe Stay clear of downed power lines POWERFUL STORMS can damage power lines. If you see a downed power line: NEVER TOUCH - Stay at least 50 feet away from it and assume it is energized. The ground may also be energized making the entire area extremely dangerous. A DOWNED POWER LINE. Always assume it is energized and call 911 immediately. Never touch anything that is touching a downed power line. It is as dangerous as the line itself. - Ifa power line falls on your vehicle while you are in it, stay inside your vehicle until help arrives. Great River Energy-Powering what's possible Agrdite Electic Cooperatie Arouheod Cooperative, he BENCO Ekeric Cooperafive Brown County Rorel Electical Auociafion Connenn Erergy Cooperative light & Power Gow Wing Fower Dokote Elecric Asociafion Eas Central Energy Federoted Rural Elecric Asociafon Goodhue County Cooperafive Electric Asociofion hsco Martrop Cooperafive Bectricol Auociation Kandiyohi Power Cooperafive Loke Country Power lake Region Elecric Cooperofive Melood Cooperofive Power Associafion Meeker Cooperofive Mile lacs Energy Cooperafive Minnesolo Voley Electic Cooperofive Nobles Cooperative Elecric Norh hosco Elecric Cooperative, Inc Reduood Elearic Cooperative Runestone Bectric Associadion + South Centrd Electric Association Searm Electric Asociation Steele Woseca Cooperaive Electric Todd Wadere Bledric Cooperative Wightenepin Cooperative Elearic Aasociaion GREAT RIVER ENERGY.