MIEADA Be Safe of downed power lines Stay clear POWERFUL STORMS can damage power lines. If you see a downed power line: NEVER TOUCH A DOWNED Stay at least 50 feet away from it and assume it is energized. The ground may also be energized making the entire area extremely dangerous. POWER LINE. Always assume it is energized and call 911 immediately. - Never touch anything that is touching a downed power line. It is as dangerous as the line itself. . Ifa power line falls on your vehicle while you are in it, stay inside your vehicle until help arrives. Great River Energy-Powering what's possible Agrole Elecric Cooperdie Aowhead Cooperti ec BENCO Becric Coperhe Brown County Rurol Electical Amocilion Comeus Erergy Cooperatie light & Power Crow Wing Powe Deko Eechic Asociation Eal Certl Erergy Federated Rural Bechic Associafion Goodhue County Cooperte Electric lake County Power Loke Ragion Bectic Cooperafive Mdaod Cooperatie Power Asociafion Meeker Cooperative Mile locs Ererg Cooperafive Minnesoto Valey Eledric Cooperatie Nobles Conperative BecriNorh koco Becric Cooperatie, nc Reducod Eledric Cooperate Runeone Ekcic Asociafion Souh Cara Eecric Auocifion om Beti Asociofon Seele Weseco Cooperfve Eledric Todd Wodena Bectic Cooperatve Wigheterrepin Cooperative Electric Aasociaton k Asociafion aco Mantrop Cooperaive Eecrical Asocichion Kordiychi Power Cooperdtive GREAT greatriverenergy.com RIVER ENERGY. MIEADA Be Safe of downed power lines Stay clear POWERFUL STORMS can damage power lines. If you see a downed power line: NEVER TOUCH A DOWNED Stay at least 50 feet away from it and assume it is energized. The ground may also be energized making the entire area extremely dangerous. POWER LINE. Always assume it is energized and call 911 immediately. - Never touch anything that is touching a downed power line. It is as dangerous as the line itself. . Ifa power line falls on your vehicle while you are in it, stay inside your vehicle until help arrives. Great River Energy-Powering what's possible Agrole Elecric Cooperdie Aowhead Cooperti ec BENCO Becric Coperhe Brown County Rurol Electical Amocilion Comeus Erergy Cooperatie light & Power Crow Wing Powe Deko Eechic Asociation Eal Certl Erergy Federated Rural Bechic Associafion Goodhue County Cooperte Electric lake County Power Loke Ragion Bectic Cooperafive Mdaod Cooperatie Power Asociafion Meeker Cooperative Mile locs Ererg Cooperafive Minnesoto Valey Eledric Cooperatie Nobles Conperative BecriNorh koco Becric Cooperatie, nc Reducod Eledric Cooperate Runeone Ekcic Asociafion Souh Cara Eecric Auocifion om Beti Asociofon Seele Weseco Cooperfve Eledric Todd Wodena Bectic Cooperatve Wigheterrepin Cooperative Electric Aasociaton k Asociafion aco Mantrop Cooperaive Eecrical Asocichion Kordiychi Power Cooperdtive GREAT greatriverenergy.com RIVER ENERGY.